グアムで過ごすアメリカ独立記念日🇺🇸〜4th of July

Happy 4th of July!!

みなさん こんばんは。ROCKUN🐶です。

本日2回目のBlogです。そう!今日はアメリカの独立記念日。本当なら、花火🎆があちこちで打ち上げられるんだけど、やっぱりCOVID-19の影響でキャンセル。。でもね、NAVY BASE(アメリカ海軍基地)では、打ち上げられました!! あたち🐶、お友達に誘われてNAVY BASEで花火をみました!!

実は、7月4日ではなくて前日の7月3日に花火が打ち上げられました。なんで?わからない。。ま、いいか!? 😆

場所をとるために、ちょっと早めにGAB GAB BEACHにスタンバイ。ベースに住んでいる軍人さんのご家族がビーチ沿いに座っていました。夕焼け🌇もとってもきれいでした!みんな、お昼からいるみたい。。場所取りは、日本のお花見🌸みたいに大事なのかな?

Sunset at Gab Gab Beach in Navy Base Guam

8時!Show Time!! あたち🐶は、ちょっと音が怖い。。。ちょっと遠かったけどね、きれいな花火がみれたよ。でも、やっぱり花火は日本🇯🇵が一番かな?


Stay Safe and Stay Positive! Rockun.🐶

Good evening Everyone!

Today is so special! I up my blogs twice. Because… Happy 4th of JULY!!! Yeah!!! Every year, Guam Government presents the fire works for 4th of July but they cancel due to Covid-19. But of course… US Navy Base had the fire work show!! Yeah!!! I, Rockun 🐶 gets the Base access pass from friend then go to watch the fire work in Navy Base!

Oh… a little secret… The fire works were held yesterday… Why wasn’t 4th of July?? Don’t ask me why. I don’t know!! sooo Never mind!!

We decided to watch the fire work from Gab Gab Beach so went there a little bit early. Already some groups were there!?! They all sit down by beach… We were able to catch the sunset at Gab Gab Beach. So beautiful!! I think that taking a good spot for firework in The States is same as taking a good spot for Cherry Blossom Viewing in Japan.

8:00PM!! Finally Show Time!! Our spot was a little bit far from fireworks but still nice view. I, Rockun🐶 doesn’t like fire work because of big sounds… I think Japanese fireworks are one of the best art in the world.

Still I can not do anythings because of Covid-19, I was so happy to watch beautiful fire works in Guam!!

Stay Safe and Stay positive.

